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For our latest discussion on The Larkin Hoffman Real Estate Podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with three pioneering Black women working for the City of Bloomington, Minnesota. Women, and Black women in particular, have historically been excluded from the real estate profession causing their representation in the industry to be notably low. In Bloomington, however, things are changing.   In recent years, the city added three women of color to its leadership team, Karla Henderson, Community Development Director, Aarica Coleman, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Administrator, and Faith Jackson, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. I was honored to have the opportunity to talk with them about their perspective on this important topic.  As our conversation unfolded, it quickly became clear that the three women had a lot to share and our conversation evolved into a three-part mini series launching on September 28, 2023.

Episode One: Lifting Each Other Up:  The Power of Mutual Support
In the first episode, we discuss the significance of Black women building a network of allies who will support, empower, and lift each other up.

Episode Two: Breaking Ground: The Roots of Racism in Real Estate
In our next episode, we discuss some of the unique hurdles Black women face in real estate careers, emblematic of a history of racial prejudice in the industry.  

Episode Three: Reforming Real Estate: From Racial Covenants to Just Deeds
Our concluding episode in the series unpacks the persistent repercussions of racial covenants, appraisal disparity, and just deeds. Karla Henderson kicks off this episode explaining that racial covenants still continue on the title of many homes in Bloomington.

Bill Griffith with Karla Henderson, Aarica Coleman and Faith Jackson.

Bill Griffith with Karla Henderson, Aarica Coleman and Faith Jackson.

The real estate and construction law team at Larkin Hoffman covers every facet of real estate and its development phases. With the aim of offering distinctive perspectives on emerging topics, trends, and matters within our industry, we launched The Larkin Hoffman Real Estate Podcast to complement The Larkin Hoffman Real Estate and Construction blog. We stay on top of developing issues and legislation and collaborate with industry leaders to ensure our readers and listeners stay abreast of pivotal issues.  

Make sure you don’t miss this series, subscribe to our blog today or find The Larkin Hoffman Real Estate Podcast wherever you access your favorite podcasts.

Bill Griffith advises local and national clients on legal and policy issues affecting land use, zoning, real estate, environmental review, municipal law, regulatory matters and government relations. He has been local counsel to Mall of America in all its phases and serves as city attorney for the city of Columbus. He is a trusted advisor on real estate development and public funding for both private clients and municipalities.

Contact Bill Griffith at